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1 point1. Reset: Command: /reset You will receive a specific amount of points and other benefits, according to the Resets Table. 2. Add and auto add Points: - Add Point: Command: /add[type] [amount] Example: For adding 50 points to Strength, type /addstr 50 For adding 235 points to Energy, type /addene 235 Attributes: str = Strength, agi = Agility, vit = Vitality, ene = Energy, cmd = Command - Auto Add Point: Command: /add[type] auto [amount] Example: For adding 1000 points to Strength, type /addstr auto 1000 For adding 2000 points to Energy, type /addene auto 2000 * If you have 100 free points and level 200 and you want to add the next 400 points into agility then you will write /addagi auto 400 * What will happen? The free 100 points will be added into agility instantly, and the next 300 points that you gain, will also be added into agility - that means from level 200 to 260 all the points will be added into agility automatically even if you are AFK when doing the levels. Note: This command will work even if you re-enter game, get reconnected, etc. To cancel the auto add points command you must write : /addagi auto 0 (instead of agi you should write the stat where you set the points to be added automatically). 3. Request and Auto Party: - Request control: Command: /re or /request [type] [on/off/auto] Each request turns on or off or automates the character. Example: To not receive any trade or party from anybody. /request off To receive any trade or party automatically from anybody. /request auto To receive any trade or party from anybody. /request on - Auto Party with Password: You can set a password to your party, so only players using the password will be accepted. Example: Command to set the password you must write : /re auto XXXX where XXXX = your random password. After you set up your party password, in order for others to join your party automatically they must also write: /re auto XXXX where XXXX = the same password that you set for your party and then just request party on any user from your party. 4. Auto Attack & OFF Attack: - Auto Attack Command: /attack Character will auto attack using this command - Off Attack Step 1: Set up your Mu Helper You should configure your Mu Helper the way you want, with Buffs, Auto Pick, Auto Potion, etc. Step 2: Go to the place (spot) where you want to leave character Command: /offattack Note: Reconnect screen will appear, close the game immediately. Ready, your character will continue leveling up online while your game client is closed. More information about PK System read here 5. Jewels / Coins Store & OFF Store: - Store Using this feature you can sell items in game store: [ coin, ruud, gp, bless, soul, chaos, creation, guardian, harmony ] Command: /store [type] Step 1: Setting your Store If you want to place your store in Zen, put price as you like. If you want to open Ruud / Coins / GP, put the price in Zen. To open a Store by Jewels / Zen, just open normally. To open store by Ruud / Coins / GP, it is necessary to use the Command. Step 2: Opening your Store Example: /store coin (Opens personal store where you sell items for Coins) /store ruud (Opens personal store where you sell items for Ruud) /store gp (Opens personal store where you sell items for Goblin Points) - Off Store Command: /offstore Use this command to sell items while character is offline Note: Reconnect screen will appear, close the game immediately. Ready, your character will continue selling items which you put in store while your game client is closed. 6. Lock & Unlock: Step 1: Locking char Command: /lock [password] The password must be in numeral, between 4 and 12 digits. Example: /lock 23991 Step 2: Unlocking char Command: /unlock [password] Example: /unlock 23991 Note: The Command locks only your Character. The Player will be able to steal the other characters from the account and vault. Each character of your account must be locked to avoid delete of it by someone. Characters above Level 300 can not be deleted anymore. 7. Disconnect Friend: Step 1: Using the Command Command: /lock [password] Use /lock and choose a password. Now type /dcfriend [character] [password]. Example: My nickname is 'Diamond' and i type the command: /lock 35343711 and I'm going to sleep. Character died, and my friend if agreed, wants to connect my account to put it back on spot. He types the command: /dcfriend Diamond 35343711 Ready, the account is disconnected and my friend can login to it. Note: This command is parallel to command /LOCK. You will only be able to use /dcfriend if the character has /lock activated. The /lock password is the password used for DCFRIEND, if the /lock is not enabled at least 1 time, it will not work. 8. Server time: Command: /clock Shows current Server Time 9. Extra Vaults: Command: /vault [number] or /ware [number] Example: /vault 1 Main vault/ware number is 0 1 extra vault available for Free players More than 1 extra vaults available for Vip players Items do not lose if Vip expires. Renew Vip to get access to items on extra vaults. 10. Player Kill: Command: /pkclear More information about PK System read here 11. War and Soccer: Command: /war [guild name], /soccer [guild name] If you want to start a War 'Event' between your guild and another guild you must write : /war XXXX where XXXX = name of the guild which you want to go to war with. If you want to start a Soccer 'Event' between your guild and another guild you must write : /soccer XXXX where XXXX = name of the guild which you want to play soccer against. Notice that only the GM (Guild Master) can write & use these commands. 12. Jewel Bank: Check how to use this helpful unique feature. Click Here!
1 pointWho we are Diamond Mu - Private server for international audience. Fully configured different worlds: x10 NoReset, x50 Limited and x500 Medium for each taste. Created and maintained by professional developers with a passion for Mu. Offering the best content on the top of the best hardware. Using Premium Xteam Season 14 server files. Project is planned to run longterm. Quality game play and high level support guaranteed. Our goal is to give quality not a quantity so each part of game is carefully considered and planned. We are open 24 / 7 / 365. Players from all over the world! Game content Server work on a full Season 14 Emulator by Xteam with our custom settings and features. All game Events are in a good condition, they work without any serious issues. In addition, for most of our events, top system works just perfectly fine, succeeding in which player will be reward with Credits. Our professional team will be able to fix or change any incorrect thing what can be found and will be reported by players. We appreciate all player reports and will be happy to answer any question, suggestion or error report. The best way to submit report is in our Forum & Guides. Why to choose us Responsible administration. We care your opinion! Latest season server files. Enjoy the best possible quality! Pretty unique conceptual game worlds. You will not get bored here! Monthly events. Get rewards for Top Voter, BC, DS, CC and Dueler! Protected against break-ins, dodos and cheats! High stability anti hack! Everything is done by us. Each part of the game professionally configured! What else? Well less talking more actions. Check everything by yourself! Contacts Info Email us: admin@diamondmu.com Message us on FB: m.me/DiamondMuOnline Message us on Forum: forum.diamondmu.com
1 pointThere are made many changes and upgrades to xShop item list. We are not selling ready items and any level wings. Check out info below including video! Exp Buffs lowered for all seals, pets, rings: Seal of Wealth regular Exp increase: +25% Master Seal of Wealth master Exp increase: +25% Seal of Ascension regular Exp increase: +15% Master Seal of Ascension master Exp increase: +15% Pet Panda Exp increase: +20% Pet Skeleton Exp increase: +10% Ring Panda Exp increase (if use with Pet): +20% Ring Skeleton Exp increase (if use with Pet): +20% Damage Buffs lowered for pets: Guardian Spirit reduces damage: +25% Demon increases damage: +25% Damage Buffs customized for muun pets: Muun Tier 1 dmg: +50 Muun Tier 2 dmg: +100 Muun Tier 3 dmg: +150 Muun Tier 4 dmg: +200 Muun Tier 5 dmg: +250
1 pointThere are Custom New Jewels available in our server! Hunt them in all events, invasions and mini bosses! (Click for more info) New jewels are included in drop from all monsters in all maps too. Higher drop rate is set to Kubera Mine, Deep Dungeon and Swamp of Darkness. Jewel of Skill - adds Skill option to weapon Jewel of Luck (Item) - adds Luck option to weapon/set Jewel of Luck (Wings) - adds Luck option to wings Jewel of Excellent Weapon - adds Excellent option (1-6) to weapon Jewel of Excellent Set - adds Excellent option (1-6) to set Jewel of Upgrade - upgrades Level (+10 to +15) of item (NOT wings) Jewel of Excellent Ancient - Adds Excellent option (1-6) to ancient item Jewel of Socket - Adds empty socket (1-5) to socket item Video preview for Jewels of Excellent Ancient
1 pointSome excellent options of items and weapons are a bit different in a reason to make them more useful! A list of new excellent options: Chance of Full Reflect +2% Increases Maximum Life +200 Add Defensive Chance of Rec HP +4% - (Chance of recover life to full) Increase Double Damage Chance by 2% Items: Weapons: A list of excellent options on Mastery xAngel+ items (Only server x10) (Server x50 and x500 Excellent options are the same like above on all kind of items including xAngel) Increased the amount of Zen acquired for hunting monsters by 25% Decreases Damage by 45 Increase Maximum Life by 165 Increase Maximum Mana by 165 And of course all other Excellent options possible Note 1: Sockets + Excellent Enabled on Servers x50 and x500. On Server x10 Disabled (only sockets or only excellent). Note 2: Maximum Sockets are 3 for one item on Servers x50 and x500. On Server x10 it is 5. Note 3: Maximum Damage Reduction is 80% on Servers x50 and x500. On Server x10 it is 60%.
1 pointVIP System [Server x10] Bonus Free Player VIP Silver VIP Gold VIP Diamond EXP Regular 10x 11x 13x 15x EXP Master 20x 22x 26x 30x Goblin Points per 1 minute 1 1 2 2 Jewel of Soul % rate 60 60 65 65 Jewel of Life % rate 60 60 65 65 Jewel of Harmony % rate 70 70 75 75 Post command Zen / Level 50k / 150 35k / 50 20k / 20 1k / 1 Extra vaults /ware 1 2 3 4 Chaos Machine Rates - +3% +5% +7% Elf Soldier use max level 300 310 320 330 Offlevel max time 10 12 14 16 Happy Hour regular Exp + 3x 4x 5x 6x Happy Hour master Exp + 6x 8x 10x 12x Happy Hour Exc item drop + 10% 15% 20% 30% Hide Character Info discount - 20% 30% 50% VIP System [Server x50] Bonus Free Player VIP Silver VIP Gold VIP Diamond EXP Regular 50x 53x 56x 60x EXP Master 50x 54x 58x 63x Goblin Points per 1 minute 1 1 2 2 Jewel of Soul % rate 60 60 65 65 Jewel of Life % rate 60 60 65 65 Jewel of Harmony % rate 70 70 75 75 Post command Zen / Level 50k / 50 35k / 25 20k / 10 1k / 1 Extra vaults /ware 1 2 3 4 Reset Zen 10kk 8kk 7kk 5kk Chaos Machine Rates - +5% +5% +5% Elf Soldier use max resets 5 6 7 8 Offlevel max time 10 12 14 16 Happy Hour regular Exp + 10x 12x 14x 17x Happy Hour master Exp + 15x 17x 19x 22x Happy Hour Exc item drop + 20% 30% 40% 50% Hide Character Info discount - 20% 30% 50% VIP System [Server x500] Bonus Free Player VIP Silver VIP Gold VIP Diamond EXP Regular 500x 550x 600x 650x EXP Master 500x 560x 620x 700x Goblin Points per 1 minute 1 1 2 2 Jewel of Soul % rate 70 70 75 75 Jewel of Life % rate 70 70 75 75 Jewel of Harmony % rate 80 80 85 85 Post command Zen / Level 70k / 100 50k / 50 30k / 25 10k / 1 Extra vaults /ware 1 2 3 4 Chaos Machine Rates - +3% +5% +7% Elf Soldier use max resets 10 15 20 30 Offlevel max time 10 12 14 16 Happy Hour regular Exp + 100x 125x 150x 200x Happy Hour master Exp + 125x 150x 175x 225x Happy Hour Exc item drop + 10% 15% 20% 30% Hide Character Info discount - 20% 30% 50%
1 point
1 pointUpdate: 3 of items are now removed from xShop. Loch's Solution (Wing lvl2) Condor's Solution (Wing lvl3) Lethal Ring Wizard 2 of items are now lowered % increase Scroll of Battle is now 10% Crit dmg increase instead of 20% Scroll of Strength is now 10% Exc dmg increase instead of 20%
1 pointThere is no sub server for VIP. All are in one server. Only options you see here are available.