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[x50] Quest System (Exclusive)

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It's an unique exclusive system made in a reason to give more activities for players to do in game.

It's easy to use and can be done by anyone. Simply do a task and get reward when you finish each of step.

Each player starts a game with a Newcomer status. Each player can reach King Diamond status some day.

To check a status and task simply write a command /quest

To check a current status of another player /quest [player nickname]


☑️ Quest Step: 1 ->  Starter I
Task - Reach level 200, Kill Monsters (70 Spiders, 70 Stone Golem, 70 Elite Yeti)
Reward: 100 Goblin Points, 2.000.000 Zen

☑️ Quest Step: 2 ->  Starter II
Task - Reach level 350, Kill Monsters (100 Captain Grizzly, 200 Bahamut, 400 Death Gorgon)
Reward: 200 Goblin Points, 6.000.000 Zen, 3 Jewel of Bless

☑️ Quest Step: 3 ->  Starter III
Task - Reach 1 reset, Kill Monsters (350 Queen Rainier, 350 Beam Knight, 350 Death Rider)
Reward: 400 Goblin Points, 15.000.000 Zen, 3 Jewel of Soul, Bless of Light (Low Grade)


☑️ Quest Step: 4 ->  Hunter I
Task - Reach 5 resets, Kill Monsters (200 Berserker, 200 Genocider, 5 Undine)
Reward: 20 Coins, 700 Goblin Points, 2 Bless of Light (Low Grade)

☑️ Quest Step: 5 ->  Hunter II
Task - Reach 10 resets, Kill Monsters (200 Condra, 20 Undine)
Reward: 40 Coins, 1000 Goblin Points, 2 Bless of Light (Medium Grade)

☑️ Quest Step: 6 ->  Hunter III
Task - Reach 15 resets, Kill Monsters (200 Giant Mammoth, 50 Undine)
Reward: 80 Coins, 2000 Goblin Points, 4 Bless of Light (Medium Grade)


☑️ Quest Step: 7 -> Master I
Task - Reach 20 resets, Kill Monsters (300 Ferea Archer, 300 Ferea Fighter, 5 Gnome (Ferea Invasion))
Reward: 200 Coins, 4000 Goblin Points, 4 Bless of Light (Greater Grade)

☑️ Quest Step: 8 -> Master II
Task - Reach 25 resets, Kill Monsters (300 Bass, 300 Vasuki, 5 Hellraiser (Nixies Invasion))
Reward: 400 Coins , 6000 Goblin Points, 4000 Ruud, 2 Bless of Light (Greater Grade), 2x Jewel of Excellent Set +1

☑️ Quest Step: 9 -> Master III
Task - Reach 30 resets, Kill Monsters (300 Deep Dungeon Skeleton Warrior (DD 1), 300 Deep Dungeon Ghost (DD 2), 5 Deep Dungeon Dark Knight (Deep Invasion))
Reward: 600 Coins , 8000 Goblin Points, 6000 Ruud, 2 Bless of Light (Greater Grade), 2x Jewel of Excellent Weapon +1


☑️ Quest Step: 10 -> Grand Master I
Task - Reach 35 resets, Kill Monsters (500 Deep Dungeon Thunder Lich (Deep Dungeon 5), 10 Deep Dungeon Dark Knight (Deep Invasion))
Reward: 700 Coins , 12000 Goblin Points, 10000 Ruud, Pet Panda 72h [Coming soon]

☑️ Quest Step: 11 -> Grand Master II
Task - Reach 38 resets, Kill Monsters (500 Wooden Beast, 15 Pet of the Swamp1 (Dark Invasion))
Reward: 750 Coins , 14000 Goblin Points, 15000 Ruud, Ring Panda 48h [Coming soon]

☑️ Quest Step: 12 -> Grand Master III
Task - Reach 40 resets, Kill Monsters (500 Mine Driller, 20 Pet of the Swamp2 (KMine Invasion))
Reward: 800 Coins , 16000 Goblin Points, 20000 Ruud, Pet Demon 24h [Coming soon]


☑️ Quest Step: 13 -> Pro Diamond I
Task - Kill Players (1 from each class who has minimum of 10 resets), Kill Bosses (3x Illusion of Kundun (Kalima 6), 1x Kundun (Kalima 7), 1x Medusa (Peace Swamp) )
Reward: 1000 Coins, 20000 Goblin Points, FENRIR (blue)

☑️ Quest Step: 14 -> Pro Diamond II
Task - Kill Players (2 from each class who has minimum of 15 resets), Kill Bosses (2x Nightmare (Kanturu Event), 2x Selupan (Raklion Event))
Reward: 1000 Coins, 20000 Goblin Points, FENRIR (back)

☑️ Quest Step: 15 -> Pro Diamond II
Task - Kill Players (3 from each class who has minimum of 20 resets), Kill Bosses (1x Lord of Ferea (Ferea), 1x Nix (Nixies Lake), 2x Erohim (Land of Trials))
Reward: 1000 Coins, 20000 Goblin Points, 5x Jewel of Exc Ancient +1


☑️ Quest Step: 16 -> King Diamond
Task - Reach 600 Master Level, Kill Bosses (1x Deep Gorgon (Deep Dungeon), 1x God of Darkness (Swamp of Darkness)
Reward: FENRIR (gold) + other BIG rewards [update soon]


☑️ Quest Step: 17 -> Grand Diamond
Task - Reach 1 Grand Reset,  ... ???
Reward: ???

☑️ Quest Step: 18 -> Grand Diamond
Task - Reach 2 Grand Resets,  ... ???
Reward: ???

☑️ Quest Step: 19 -> Grand Diamond
Task - Reach 3+ Grand Resets,  ... ???
Reward: ???




Anything can be changed, so if you think something is not OK or should be different, so please tell us your opinion!

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1 hour ago, kirgudu34 said:

Where i can find Death Gorgon?

Losttower 6 and 7

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Its automatically dropped on ground if it is an item, and zen/gp/ruud/credits will be your x shop/inventory

Edited by 7umos

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I do believe that Quest Step 4 its a far easier than Quest Step 3. Beam Knights and Queen Rainier are really though guys. Could you make some changes to Quest Step 3 ?

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Rather unfair for Energy Elfs, kills are not counted in party. For a long time EE won't have much chance to complete anything more that Starter II.

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Are there rewards for these?


Quest Step: 17 -> Grand Diamond
Task - Reach 1 Grand Reset,  ... ???
Reward: ???

 Quest Step: 18 -> Grand Diamond
Task - Reach 2 Grand Resets,  ... ???
Reward: ???

 Quest Step: 19 -> Grand Diamond
Task - Reach 3+ Grand Resets,  ... ???
Reward: ???

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